Variable Hubble Constant H - part III

The cosmological principle states that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic. This principle implies that an expanding Universe conforms to the law: v = H * d (second Hubble's Law) with v being the proper speed and d the proper distance. In this document space expansion is studied for different values of H. For more information about the first and second Hubble's Law see: Comments about Hubble's law - Part I

Example 1

The left side of Table 1 shows an expanding universe with H = 1. The initial distance = 1 and the initial speed v = 1.
tdistancev H tvdeltadist
0 1.000 1.000 1.000
1 2.718 2.718 1.0.1 1.000.100 1.100
2 7.389 7.388 1.0.2 1.100.110 1.210
3 20.085 20.083 1.0.3 1.210.121 1.331
4 54.598 54.589 1.0.4 1.331.133 1.464
5 148.413 148.387 1.0.5 1.464.146 1.610
6 403.428 403.348 1.0.6 1.610.161 1.771
7 1096.632 1096.387 1.0.7 1.771.177 1.948
8 2980.957 2980.215 1.0.8 1.948.194 2.143
9 8103.081 8100.865 1.0.9 2.143.214 2.357
10 22026.458 22019.900 1.0 1.0 2.357.235 2.593

Table 1

Line 1 at Table 1 shows that between t = 0 and 1 the distance has increased with 1.718. This increase should be at least more than 1 because the initial speed at t = 0 is 1 and starts to increase from there on. To understand (calculate) the total increase you have to subdivide the time in small increments.
The right hand side of Table 1 explains this increase between t=0 and 1 with a step size (delta) of 0.1. What the right hand side of Table shows is that the distance with a step of 0.1 has increased from 1 to 2.59373
If you do the same with a step size of 0.01 the distance will increase to 2.704814. With 0.001 to 2.71692 and with 0.0001 to 2.718143 and finally to the value 2.71828 which is called e.
This same increase will also happen at t=2. As such the total distance at t=2 will be e^2.

In general the distance of an expanding homogeneous universe follows the law: distance = d0 * e ^ (H * t) with d0 being the initial distance.

Example 2

Table 2 shows 3 examples of an expanding universe.
Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
tdistancev H distancev H distancev H
0 1.069.069 1.100.100 1.199.199
2 1.359.160.117
3 1.300.100.076 1.509.140.092
4 1.319.091.069 1.400.100.071 1.639.120.073
5 1.414.098.069 1.500.100.066 1.749.099.057
6 1.515.105.069 1.600.100.062 1.839.080.043
7 1.624.112.069 1.700.100.058 1.909.060.031
8 1.741.120.069 1.800.100.055 1.959.040.020
9 1.866.129.069 1.900.100.052 1.989.020.010
10 2.138.069 2.100.050 1.999.000.000

Table 2

What the middle case shows is that space expansion decreases when the Hubble Constant decreases. The right case shows that space expansion even stops.

Example 3

In Table 3 a slightly different approach is followed. Starting point is that space increases lineair. The value of H is calculated to assure this.
tdistancev H distancev
0 10 1.100
1 11 1.090
2 12 1.083
3 13 1.076
4 14 1.071
5 15 1.066 5.333
6 16 1.062 5.333.333
7 17 1.058 5.666.333
8 18 1.055 6.333
9 19 1.052 6.333.333
10 20 1.050 6.666.333
z+1 = 2 z+1 = 1.333333

Table 3

However Table 3 shows more. When light from the source and is half way there is a supernova. Space expansion from that second source is indicated in the right side.
The following sketch explains that situation.
t10           X      Y                   Z
 | *         .      .                  *
 |   *             .                 *
 |     *    .     .                *
 |       *       .               *
t5---------S2   .              *
 |           * .             *
 |        .   .*           *
 |           .   *       *
 |       .  .      *   *
                  Figure 3A
Figure 3A shows space expansion from two sources: S1 and S2. The line S1,Z shows the space expansion from S1. The line S2,X shows the space expansion from the second source i.e. the supernova. There is also a third line Y,Y drawn which connects a point half way between S1 and Observer at t=0 and t=10.
All the three lines (X,X) (Y,Y) and (S1,Z) comply with the cosmological principle and with the law v = d * H with proper distance and speed.
What is very important that space expansion (z+1) for S1 is a factor of 2 and for S2 (half way) is approximate 1.4

The following table shows the full range of z+1 values between 1 and 10:

1 1.8181 2 1.6666 3 1.5384 4 1.4285 5 1.3333
6 1.2500 7 1.1764 8 1.1111 9 1.0526 10 1
Table 3B

Example 4

The following example is the same as the previous example except that the Hubble Constant is considered constant in time.
tdistancev H distancev
0 10 4 .400
1 14.918 5.967 .400
2 22.255 8.902 .400
3 33.201 13.280 .400
4 49.530 19.812 .400
5 73.890 29.556 .400 5 2
6 110.231 44.092 .400 7.459 2.983
7 164.446 65.778 .400 11.127 4.451
8 245.325 98.130 .400 16.600 6.640
9 365.982 146.392 .400 24.765 9.906
10 545.981 218.392 .400 36.945 14.778
z+1 = 54.59814 z+1 = 7.389056

The following table shows the full range of z+1 values between 1 and 10:

1 1.4918 2 2.2255 3 3.3201 4 4.9530 5 7.3890
6 11.0231 7 16.4446 8 24.5325 9 36.5982 10 54.5981
Table 4A

Hubble telescope finds 'never-seen' galaxies - Example 5

In the Usenet newsgroup sci.astro.research there is a discussion called: "Hubble telescope finds 'never-seen' galaxies". In Message 14 the first and the second Hubble's Law are discussed. The question is are all those three H values the same. IMO they are not.
The following sketch explains this.

             G2                                    G1  
t10 z        *       z                             * 
 | .z        *       z                             *
t7 z .       *       z                             *
 | z   .    *       z                             *>v7
 |z      .  *      z                             *->v6
t5         *     z                             *-->v5
 |           . z                            *--->v4
 |          z  .                        *---->v3
t2       z       .                 *----->v2
 |   z             .         *------>v1
                  Figure 5
Figure 5 shows:

Example 6

The purpose of this example is to challenge both Hubble's Laws starting from the basics.
Consider the following example.
 1000km/sec <--------c
                     v--> 10km/sec
                     G     XY=10km
 distance d = 1000km
      Figure 6A
In Figure 6A we have a galaxy G at a distance d from the origin O. The Galaxy G has a speed v to the right.
A quick glance at figure 6A will reveal that it will take 1 sec for light to reach the Observer. That means during that period Galaxy G will move a distance of 10 km to the right i.e. the distance XY. That means the redshift observed will be 10/1000 = 0.01 = z.
Using the first Hubbles Law z=(H/c)*d we can calculate H. H = z * c /d = 0.01 * 1000/1000 = 0.01
Next we get a slightly different example:
          1000km/sec <--------c
                                                  v--> 100km/sec
G10  G9   G8   G7   G6   G5   G4   G3   G2   G1   G     XY=1000km
            distance d = 10000km
                    Figure 6B
It will take 10 sec for light to reach the observer. Using the same value of H of 0.01 we get z=(H/c)*d = (0.01/1000)*10000 = 0.1. This is the start value of Z. The distance XY will be z * d = 1000 km and v is XY/10=100 km/sec = H * d.
However is this calculation correct ? Let us assume that initial speed at v = 100 km/sec and constant.

Hubble Law simulation program

In order to test Hubble's Law I have written a program using EXCEL.
For a copy of the program in zip format select: BIGBANG3.XLS
For a description of the program select: BIGBANG3.XLS Description and Operation

The program describes three expansion scenarios: One with H is Constant, one with expansion speed v = Constant and the final one with v going to zero.


Table 3B and Table 4A each show that the realation between d and z+1 is non linear. This is in conflict with the first Hubble's law which states that z = (H/c) * d i.e. that z increases linear with distance (time).
The first Hubble's law can be considered correct at small distances but not for larger values of z. In fact for larger values of z the galaxies are much closer as the first Hubble's law indicates. Figure 5 has the same message.
That is an important conclusion !



Created: 31 January 2010
Updated: 20 Februari 2016

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